Ecuador bro-cation

Bro-cation in Ecuador: Modern Traveler Feature

Bro-cation: Grab some buddies and travel!

Gondwana’s Amazon Awakening tour in Ecuador has been featured as an awesome trip idea for a bro-cation. Modern Traveler, Champagne Living, Examiner and Globetrender Magazine all include our trip as a way to bond with friends while exploring the Amazon Rainforest. However, this trip is by no means exclusive to men! Ladies, this trip would make an excellent girl-cation destination as well.

Modern Traveler writes,”A growing number of men are participating in “Bro-Cations” that are all about bonding, unwinding, and pushing the limits through engaging and sometimes extreme activities.” Instead of traditional shenanigans for a guys-weekend, birthday or bachelor party, consider visiting Ecuador with a group. Travelling with friends is always a bonding experience, and we promise that the adventures, war-stories, and new experiences can’t be beat.

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Explore the Amazon Rainforest


Swinging Above the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest is one of the earth’s most important living ecosystems, and is known as the lungs of the world. On the Ecuador ecotour, Champagne Living suggests these outdoor activities, “Hike volcanoes, visit remote waterfalls, spot tropical birds and other exotic wildlife, learn about flora & fauna, kayak Amazon waters” and be in the company of a knowledgeable Achuar guide. Protecting this fragile resource and its communities is the goal of ecotourism.

Meet the Achuar Tribe

The Achuar tribe is one of the few remaining indigenous tribes in the Amazon. With no foreign contact until the 1960s, their culture and beliefs remained intact. By creating a sustainable business model in the Kapawi Ecolodge, visitors get to learn about their environment and culture, while promoting an eco-friendly business.

Travel with Gondwana Ecotours

If a generic vacation doesn’t sound exciting, find some adventurous buddies and see the world! Travelling with friends creates a new level of camaraderie and lasting memories. Every small group tour with Gondwana is a hand-crafted, unique experience. Learn more about Gondwana’s Amazon Awakening tour in Ecuador.

trips to the amazon

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