GuideImage Jared

Jared Sternberg

Founder And President, Gondwana Ecotours

About Jared Sternberg

With his infectious curiosity, passion, and empathy, Jared Sternberg is a friend to people and places all over the world.

Interested in travel from a young age, Jared attended the University of California, San Diego, to study International Studies and Spanish Literature. During this time, he spent a semester studying culture and language in Barcelona, and later backpacking through Europe. For Jared, this was a benchmark experience that showed him the positive impact travel can have on an individual. Thus, after graduation in 2008, Jared left his native California home to pursue more meaningful travel experiences.

Jared’s search led him to Ghana where he worked with locals to build a vocational school. He was inspired by their positive attitudes despite their many hardships, as well as his ability to make a positive impact. Through this experience, he learned that travel can not only benefit the traveler, but also the destination.

Between 2010 and 2013, Jared attended Tulane University’s Law School in Louisiana to study environmental and human rights law, in hopes of making a bigger impact through legal action. Meanwhile, during his studies and during his breaks he continued his service abroad by working with the people (and their environments) of Ecuador, Cuba, Brazil, Panama, Nicaragua, Alaska and more.

After years of work and travel, Jared sought ways to share his passion for helping the historically underrepresented peoples and their environments. With an understanding that this passion was born from his meaningful travel experiences, he founded Gondwana Ecotours in 2013.
Today, Gondwana Ecotours serves as a way to offer positive, meaningful, and relaxing travel experiences that benefit both the traveler and the destination. As guide & photographer, he’s excited to facilitate and capture your journey, leaving you the space to fully engage in your travel experience.

Join us for a Gondwana Ecotour and share your passion with Jared and the rest of the team.

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Jared Sterngerg Gondwana Ecotours Founder Pictures